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Prerequisites and Career Opportunities

A High School diploma or GED is required to enter the training program for a certified nurse aide/ assistant. If you are still in high school, try taking some extra classes in science, chemistry, or biology. Although, these classes are not required to become a CNA, if you plan on becoming a LPN (License Practical Nurse) or an RN (Registered Nurse), these courses are valuable down the road. Also, be prepared to submit a background check (criminal) and drug test. Some High Schools offer courses tailored for students who intend to become a CNA, so check out the availability of those courses for school. Even, ask your school if they offer Shadowing a Professional for a Day is a great way to see if you would really like to become a CNA. There is a high demand for both CNA and HHA and opportunity is open, the more you become experienced and knowledgeable the more valuable you become as a Aide, the better you pay can become.

If you are just coming out of high school, and did not take any kind of training, CNA is a good opportunity to start your career, especially if your goal is to become a RN or LPN. Although, many nurses might tell you to go straight for the goal, it's my honest opinion that as a CNA, you could be working in the field as quick as 4 weeks and making money while you attend nursing school. Expect at least Two years of college as a RN or LPN and the State Exam. Unless mom and dad are paying for you to go to school, this puts money in your pocket now.

Another aspect in the health care field, is that knowledge is always expanding to greatness, and as a CNA or HHA, Nurse ... your job and career is always expected to stay knowledgeable to advance what you know and maintaining it. Many States require that you work and educate yourself each year or every two years. In the State of Indiana, you are expected to work 8 hours and receive 12 Credit Education Units every two years. To know your requirements, check with your local State Website on which you are certified or planning to become certified.

Some handy skills to have as a Nurse's aide is strong communication skills, and most facilities would prefer for the person entering this field to have them. As a CNA, you are the link between the patients, RN's, LPN's, and Doctors on staff. Teamwork is very important and essential in this line of work, so flying solo is not an option in this career or the healthcare field period. Working in a health care setting, you are a part of a team of professionals who must get along and work together to provided the best possible services to clients, patients, residents, and customers.

(Resources and Research was conducted online and experience work knowledge @2017 Social Super Nurse)

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