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Cold & Flu Remedies

As you all know ... Cold and Flu Season is just around the corner and a lot closer than you think. Are you ready to fight and beat the "Cold & Flu" season this year? First and most importantly, how many of you are drinking your Emergen-C? Two glasses a day keeps the doctor away... as I like to say.


For me the best way to fight any cold and flu is to drink your Emergen-C twice a day and chances are you won't even have to fight cold and flu. It's full of Vitamin C and Immune Boosting benefits, as well as Cardiovascular and Joint Benefits.

Most packets of Emergen-C drink formulas contain 1,000 mg of vitamin C, which is considered a “mega-dose” compared to the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommended daily intake of vitamin C for an adults: between 60 mg to 90 mg.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint can be used in various forms including herbal tea, capsules, pure essential oils, and of course the plant itself. This is great for Allergies, sinuses, and yes even a cold. Peppermint Oil has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect and can be place on the body of pain. Dabbing on the forehead, temples, under your nose, and on the back of your neck will bring wonders to your relief. And as we all know along with a cold and flu is usually a headache. Just smelling the oil is great to clear the mind and soul.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

To Relieve a Stuffed Up Nose: Use several drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser, with steam inhalation, a hot bath, or even in a vaporizer. Or, ... 2 drops lavender essential oil. 2 drop peppermint essential oil. Are you coughing but nothing is coming up? Eucalyptus oil can not only silence a cough, it can also help you get the mucus out of your chest. Inhaling vapor made with the essential oil can loosen mucus so that when you do cough, it's expelled. Using a rub containing eucalyptus oil will produce the same effect.

Lavender Essential Oil

Also to treat cold and flu symptoms add 5 - 10 drops of Lavender Oil to a large bowl

of steaming water. Lean over the bowl, place a towel over your head, and breathe in the lavender vapor. Keep your eyes closed and breathe deeply for a few minutes.

Here are a few things you can make from home:

Home Made Cough Syrup

  • 1 Drop of Lemon Essential Oil

  • 1 Drop of Sweet Orange Essential Oil

  • 1 Drop of Frankincense Essential Oil

  • 1 Drop of Peppermint Essential Oil

  • Mix all drops into a Tsp of Honey and Swallow

Congestion Blend (For Fast Relief)

  • 3 Drops of Peppermint Essential Oil

  • 2 Drops of Thyme Essential Oil

  • 3 Drops of Rosemary Essential Oil

  • 2 Drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

  • 1 Drop of Lemon Essential Oil

  • Rub on the bottom of Feet or Put in a Diffuser

Cold & Flu Buster Smoothie

  • 1 Cup of Warm or Hot Ginger Tea (Or Turmeric Tea)

  • 1 Small Orange, peeled (Clementines work great too)

  • 1/2 a Lemon, peeled

  • 1/2 a Lime, peeled

  • 1 Tsp Coconut Oil

  • 1 Clove of Garlic, minced

  • 1/4 Tsp Powdered Ginger or a small piece of fresh ginger

  • a dash of Himalayan salt or Sea Salt

  • 2 Tbsp of Raw Honey

Add ons:

  • 1/4 Tsp Cayenne Pepper

  • 1/4 Tsp Cinnamon

  • 1/2 Cup of Strawberries

  • 3 to 6 Ice Cubes

Place all ingredients into your blender followed by the tea and blend for around 30 to 45 Seconds or until nice and smooth.

Calories 208, Fat 5 g., Protein 1 g., Sugar 38 g., carbohydrates 48 g., Fiber 3 g., Vitamin A: 3% RDA, C: 91% RDA, Calcium 5% RDA, Iron 7% RDA.

A recent found love for Turmeric has also proven to have benefits against cold and flu. Turmeric milk is a commonly used traditional remedy for a cough, cold, and other respiratory tract infections. Turmeric increases mucus production which naturally flushes out the microbes that have managed to get a foothold in the respiratory tract. The antiviral and antibacterial properties of turmeric can help fight the infections while the anti-inflammatory property helps relieve the symptoms. A cup of warm turmeric milk before going to bed will relieve nighttime coughing and provide restful sleep.

“Golden milk” for cold, flu, depression, sore throat and more (in a recipe that actually tastes good…)

Turmeric Milk Ingredients:

  • 1 Cup of Milk (Substitute with Coconut Milk or Almond Milk)

  • 1/2 Tsp of Dried Turmeric or Turmeric Root (1/2 inch for Fresh thinly Sliced & Diced)

  • 1/2 Tsp of Dried Ginger (1/2 inch for Fresh thinly Sliced & Diced)

  • A Sprinkle of Ground Black Pepper (to Taste, Black Pepper does enhance the flavor of the Turmeric and you can use Peppercorns if you like)

  • Honey For Taste (Sweetener and Optional)

Turmeric Milk Steps:

  1. Pour one Cup of Milk (of your choosing) into a Sauce Pan and heat on Medium Heat

  2. Add Turmeric, Ginger, and Black Pepper. If using Dry Ingredients, make sure you Whisk Well

  3. Allow the milk to simmer. Bubbles will form on the sides, stir often.

  4. Turn down heat to low, and allow to simmer for another 2 or 3 minutes, make sure you stir occasionally (do not boil or over heat the milk)

  5. Remove from heat and put a lid on it and let it sit 5 to 10 minutes for the ingredients to infuse

  6. Strain if you use fresh ingredients

  7. Serve Warm

Add ons:

Cinnamon Stick

Vanilla Extract

Although many people prefer to drink in the mornings, I feel this is a great to drink at night before bed, it helps you relax and promotes to help you sleep better at night. And there is nothing better for Cold and Flu then plenty of Bed Rest.

Finally, in all theory if none of these Home Remedies do not to seem to help... before you get worse, go see your Health Care Medical Doctor as soon as possible as, you may need a antibiotic to clear up your systems. If you like my articles, please share with friends and family and like us on Facebook.

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